Holiday dialysis made simpler with d.Holiday's

A quality life also means a successful holiday experience, and at Diaverum we make sure that our dialysis patients can plan their holidays peacefully by providing them with the medical care they need in all our clinics around the world.

Therefore, you can always plan your holiday near one of the 469 Diaverum dialysis clinics worldwide located in cities that are attractive holiday destinations. Dialysis patients can travel with the reassurance of knowing there is high quality and personalized dialysis care at their destination.


Through our d.Holiday programme, you will be able to plan your vacation without having to interrupt dialysis treatment. 

Please see our clinics here


Find and book your treatment anywhere

Whatever type of holiday you're planning, our clinics are present in hundreds of locations, in 24 countries worldwide.

Visit the d.Holiday website to discover more!


Descover our d.Holiday brochure

Enjoy a revitalizing holiday and continue your dialysis treatment in one of our clinics worldwide.

Download d.Holiday brochure


Thinking of travelling while on a transplant list?

Our d.HOLIDAY Fly Back Programme funds safe and fast returns home for patients who receive their transplant call whilst travelling within Europe.

Visit the d.HOLIDAY website to discover more!

Filipe - Diaverum brand ambassador

Filipe: a dialysis patient and world traveler

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